Abortion rights advocates say consequences dire if SCOTUS declines to hear pill case by Sofia Resnick
McCarthy abandons another bid for US House speaker, votes on spending bills canceled by Jennifer Shutt
Wisconsin’s Republicans Went to Extremes in Gerrymandering. Now They’re Scrambling to Protect That Power by Megan O’Matz
He needs gender-affirming surgery, but North Carolina is fighting to deny coverage by Aliyya Swaby, Propublica
Columbus fighting Ohio firearm regulation preemptions in court again by Nick Evans, Ohio Capital Journal
Satanic Planet to perform at Indiana Statehouse following religious freedom spat by Leslie Bonilla Muñiz
Georgia GOP state senator rallies allies in call to punish Fulton DA over 2020 election indictments by Ross Williams
Tennessee seeks to dismiss challenge to suit over the banning of gun violence protest signs by Anita Wadhwani
Mark Meadows, Fulton DA square off over his bid to move 2020 Georgia election case to federal court by Stanley Dunlap
Trump supporters, detractors face off outside jail as he’s booked on Georgia racketeering charges by Jill Nolin, Georgia Recorder
With no Trump around, Republican presidential hopefuls square off in Milwaukee to little consequence by Jacob Fischler, Kentucky Lantern
Ohio’s Appalachian counties desperately need more homeless shelters by Megan Henry, Ohio Capital Journal
Justice Served: Years after being ticketed in school for an alleged theft, a former Illinois student prevails in court by Jennifer Smith Richards
How miners are still paying the costs of pursuing an “American Dream” by Taylor Sisk, KFF Health News
VOICES: Postindustrial America is front and center in latest, “historic” Trump indictment by Carmen Gentile
Looking to harness “great potential,” Pennsylvania banks on the future of organic agriculture by Cassie Miller
This North Carolina mom owed nearly $102,000 for hospital care. Her state attorney general said to pay up by Fred Clasen-Kelly
Ripping Off-Road: Women motorcyclists use an old coal site to sharpen their riding skills by Carmen Gentile
Next round of Michigan gun safety legislation to focus on domestic violence, suicide prevention by Anna Gustafson
Georgia moms aren’t getting the right care after pregnancy. A report finds that has fatal outcomes by Sofi Gratas
Smithfield homeless shelter in downtown Pittsburgh exposed frayed safety net and tested county compassion by Eric Jankiewicz
The hospital bills didn’t find this Tennessee woman, but a lawsuit did … plus interest by Bram Sable-Smith
Ohio Senate Democrats attempting to repeal state’s firearm preemptions by Nick Evans, Ohio Capital Journal
Sponsor of Ohio trans youth health care ban claims no religious motive. Sermon suggests otherwise. by Riley Roliff
He Became Convinced the School Board Was Pushing “Transgender Bullshit.” He Ended Up Arrested — and Emboldened. by Nicole Carr