Postindustrial lost one of its contributors and greatest supporters when Pittsburgh-native, clothing boutique owner, and city champion Adele Morelli unexpectedly passed away.

It’s with a heavy heart that we memorialize our friend, contributor, and longtime supporter, Adele Morelli, who passed away suddenly at the age of 55.
Folks who live in downtown Pittsburgh knew Adele well for her dedication to the city and its revitalization, both as a member of the Pittsburgh Downtown Partnership Board of Directors and owner of the stylish Boutique La Passerelle.
She was an early adopter when it came to the city’s efforts to draw people downtown to live as well as work, helping spur downtown Pittsburgh’s growth in recent years.
And when COVID-19 hit, and downtown life came to a standstill, Adele remained hopeful that Pittsburgh and the downtown community would eventually rebound, writing for Postindustrial:
“I believe that with Pittsburgh’s unusual public, private, and philanthropic alliances, we are on the cusp of yet another renaissance — a renaissance in which we will find the funding to convert historic office buildings into residential units, take care of the most vulnerable among us, and lead Pittsburgh into a brighter future.”
I first met Adele in the early 2000s and knew her not only as a huge booster for the city but as a caring, compassionate person whose light and loveliness were treasured by everyone she encountered. Both Pittsburgh and the Postindustrial Community are lesser places without her.
She will be missed by me and many, many others.