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Extremely American

The podcast Extremely American takes you inside militias and other far-right groups that are trying to remake America in their absolutist image. These groups are quietly growing larger, influencing elections across the country from school boards to the U.S. Congress. Creator and host Heath Druzin traveled the country to meet with these groups — and the people pushing back against them.

Episode 3: Home In The Grange

The hubbub began on once-sleepy South Whidbey Island, Washington in 2020, and it began in the unlikeliest of places: a local grange hall. A militia group, the Washington III Percent, quietly took over the small, agriculture-centered community center and started shutting everyone else out. Then they took aim at local schools, where students were demanding more inclusion for LGBTQ+ students and students of color. 

It’s a small but revealing skirmish in the larger culture war militias and other far-right groups have been spearheading: taking aim at local elections that fly far under most people’s radars — like school boards — to reshape their communities in their unyielding right-wing mold.

Heath Druzin

Heath Druzin is host and creator of the podcast Extremely American. From 2018-20, Druzin was a reporter at Boise State Public Radio for Guns & America, a national collaboration between 10 NPR affiliates that looked at the role of firearms in American life. Before that, he covered the wars in Iraq and Afghanistan for Stars and Stripes newspaper.

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Beyond Jan. 6: How Militias Are Trying To Remake America

This week’s bonus episode is a conversation with Extremely American creator and host Heath Druzin about militias and other far-right movements. It was originally a Twitter Spaces hosted by NPR and Boise State Public Radio. Don’t worry, it’s not a recap of the podcast but rather a ...

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Bonus: The Kenosha Kid

The Kyle Rittenhouse trial captured militias’ attention like no other criminal case in recent memory. For them, Rittenhouse embodied the way they see themselves: protectors, keeping their communities from anarchy at the end of a rifle. His acquittal was seen as vindication for them and a green light to continue ...

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Episode 10: Taking Militias To Court

Former federal prosecutor Mary McCord is trying to put militias out of business and she’s got their attention. She’s working on a national strategy to get prosecutors and law enforcement to enforce anti-militia laws she says are on the books in every state. And it’s already starting ...

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