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Zubair Babakarkhail at an overlook in Pittsburgh's Mt. Washington neighborhood, Sunday, Nov. 14, 2021. He and his family chose to settle in Pittsburgh, after fleeing from their homeland of Afghanistan in August. They arrived on Saturday night. (Photograph/Justin Merriman)

Why you need to join Team Zubair

Postindustrial has partnered with a nonprofit organization helping new Afghan Arrivals resettle in our region


By Carmen Gentile

After Afghanistan fell to the Taliban, reporter Zubair Babakarkhail had an important decision to make. 

It was August, and Zubair, whose work with foreign journalists made him a prime target for Taliban reprisals, had just managed to get him and his family out of the country mere days before U.S. forces left Afghanistan.

They were evacuated to a military base in Wisconsin, and during their two-month stay there, the Babakarkhail family had to decide where to live. 

Zubair had heard good things about Pittsburgh years earlier, spawning his longtime curiosity about the region. And we knew each other, from the work we’d done together in Afghanistan. 

His decision to move to Pittsburgh not only thrilled us, but inspired Postindustrial to help other Afghan families settling in Postindustrial America. 

That’s why we began working with a non-profit to aid Afghan families starting from scratch. 

We call it “Team Zubair” in honor of our friend, who is also helping other Afghans like him adjust to life in America. Our effort was born from this longstanding 501c3 based in Washington, D.C. which recently pivoted its purpose to support Afghan families. 

Team Zubair isn’t your typical non-profit aid group. We offer personalized support that focuses on empowering families to create new paths to prosperity, be it starting a new business or career in America, or finding ways to practice their current profession. 

So donate today and become another valued member of Team Zubair

Carmen Gentile

Postindustrial founder Carmen Gentile has worked for some of the world’s leading publications and news outlets including The New York Times, USA Today, CBS News and others. His book, “Blindsided by the Taliban,” documents his life as a war reporter and the aftermath of his brush with death after being shot with a rocket-propelled grenade in Afghanistan.

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