Go back and read the headline again, only this time do it to the tune of the hit kids’ show even adults love: “Where in the World is Carmen Sandiego?”

Writer Jackie Lambert, her husband, Mark, and their adorable, albeit rambunctious, pack of pups have been on our minds a lot lately, as it was this same time last year when we first crossed paths with them on the outskirts of the Bosnian capital, Sarajevo.
Regular readers will remember the story of how the couple cast off a lifetime of work to write a new chapter in their lives (Jackie is also an author who chronicles their adventures in a series of books) as nomads seeking excitement and adventure wherever their four-wheeled home, aka “The Beast,” and old military vehicle they retrofitted into their home, will take them.
And they’ve certainly been busy in the last 12 months, exploring caves and skiing mountains in Italy; hitting the beach in Albania, which by some accounts is poised to become the new “It” place in Eastern Europe (move over Croatia); Montenegro; and other interesting locales.
All the while, Jackie is working on new books about their adventures and making us extremely envious of all the free-spirit fun they’re having.
Jacqueline Lambert is an author and writer, who chronicles her travels and lifestyle with four dogs. When not travelling she is based in Bournemouth on the south coast of England. Find her books on Amazon or connect with her via WorldWideWalkies.com