The confirmation of a credibly accused alcoholic, serial-adultering, woman-beating, Christian nationalist, FOX TV host as Secretary of Defense is a clear indicator that we don’t take our national defense, or ourselves, seriously.

This is one of those times I really want to go off on one of my profanity-laden tirades, the kind I usually reserve for writing about war.
Because to me, someone who’s spent a lot of time with soldiers and other armed forces, confirming Pete Hegseth to head up the most-lethal military on the planet is beyond fucking irresponsible and asinine.
In fact, it’s quite possibly the stupidest fucking thing this fledgling, fascistic administration has done thus far.
Making this woefully unqualified, lush (alleged, but come on, he’s a fucking drunk) the top dog at the Pentagon, which boasts more than 3 million personnel worldwide, is thumb-up-the-ass idiotic.
This woman-abusing hairdo with a flask, who would reportedly show up to the FOX set in the mornings stinking of booze, will do the Constitution-crushing bidding of his White House overlord using the Pentagon’s full might.
That means all kinds of off-the-books, ill-advised, international-norms-shattering shit, like sending the SEALS to Panama to wrest control of the canal, or casually sailing a warship into Greenland as a show of “force” against 54,000 natives busy curing reindeer meat.
[No shade on Greenland – this is something they do a lot. Look it up.}
At Trump’s behest, Hegseth is going to wield the Armed Forces like any chickenshit TV hack on a short Trump leash would: bully those severely outmatched, then beat their chests like they just took out the Nazis.
And that’s the BEST case scenario.
I’ve seen supposedly “competent” secretaries of defense fuck up spectacularly in Afghanistan and Iraq, costing thousands of American lives and hundreds of thousands of Iraqis and Afghans.
What are Trump and Hegseth – two dipshits with little-dick syndrome – going to do with the full might of the American armed forces at their disposal?
Militize the U.S-Mexico border?
Bet on it.
Conduct heavily armed patrols along the Canadian border, thinking they’ll spook Ottawa into joining the U.S. willingly or else?
Quite likely.
These two are gonna play full-contact GI Joes in the sandbox like a couple of six-year-olds with ADHD, except real people will die.
The combination of a dutiful & dullard defense secretary and mouldering Mussolini will leave our nation’s already battered reputation on the world stage in tatters and possibly wade America into international pariah territory.
All because we can’t be bothered to take ourselves and our security concerns seriously come time to choose our leaders.
This is it, folks. We’re in our “fuck around and find out” era.
And it’s gonna be really ugly for all of us.