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We all know what’s coming.

Trump promised he would go after his many enemies with a vengeance, including the free press.
Some outlets appear to have already capitulated to Trump. I’m looking at you, Jeff Bezos, owner of The Washington Post.
Others are laying off staff, making it even harder for Americans to get the news and views they need to make smart, informed decisions.
Postindustrial is not immune to these pressures and needs your help. For just $5 a month, we can keep doing what we do best: tell smart, informative stories from communities the legacy media overlooks and misunderstands.
It’s easy—just click here to become a member of the Postindustrial Community.
Your $5 a month will help expand our coverage, continue to challenge outdated stereotypes about Postindustrial Communities and maintain a strong, informed community.
And if you want to give a little more, we gladly welcome that.
Thank you for supporting Postindustrial and for being part of our community!