The Perrott Siblings – Bryn, Sage, and Max – share an artistic sensibility and are combining their creative forces in a new gallery show in historic Fairmont, West Virginia.

Fairmont, West Virginia: We first learned of the talented Perrott trio last spring at a gallery show in Morgantown, W.V., where Bryn @deerjerk and her brother Max @bckwrdsmax live and work.

We were immediately drawn to their daring designs in both wood carvings and prints, heavily influenced by their collective affinity for cats, nature, folk art, and what else stirs between their ears.

Sister Sage @haypeep is a printmaker and educator in Johnson City, Tenn. And as you may have guessed, she loves cats, too.

Held at Two/Two/ Eight, their combined show in Fairmont, a once-thriving coal town searching for a new direction with the help of a growing art scene, is a celebration of their closeness as siblings and creators nurtured under the same roof (we’ve met their parents – they are quite possibly the loveliest folks you’ll ever meet).
We’ve featured Bryn’s work on Postindustrial’s Instagram and invite you to check out both Sage and Max’s impressive collections.