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Partying with purpose for new Afghan arrivals


By Staff | Photographs by Hong Sar

After a harrowing escape from Afghanistan and one year of milestones, it’s time to celebrate.

In August 2021, Afghan journalist Zubair Babakarkhail escaped from Afghanistan with his wife and children, as a group of six friends in seven time zones worked to support him. They resettled to Pittsburgh in the fall of 2021

One year later Babakarkhail, as a volunteer, helps lead a nonprofit initiative, Team Zubair, inspired by his experience that now helps other families.

Hong Sar began his photography career while living in a refugee camp on the border of Thailand and Burma. He has worked as a photographer for the Mizima News, Human Rights Education Institution of Burma, and done work for the BBC. He’s documented then-President Barack Obama and the Pope in visits to Burma. He was born in present-day Myanmar during a period of civil war. He lives Western Pennsylvania, after fleeing his country for his safety.

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