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Which way will crucial states in the Rust Belt and Appalachia swing on Nov. 3? Stay on top of the news with our weekly newsletter.


By Staff

In 2016, voters in the Rust Belt and Appalachia decided the presidential election. Polls predicted a win by Democrat Hillary Clinton. Instead, Republican Donald Trump swept into office on a campaign largely won by capturing the loyalty of voters in rural areas of Postindustrial America. Traditionally Democratic strongholds in Pennsylvania, Wisconsin, and Ohio flipped to vote for Trump.

This time, these states could decide a close race again.

Get Swing State, Postindustrial’s NEW weekly newsletter, starting Wednesday, Sept. 30. Stories from the region that decided the 2016 presidential election, from now until after Nov. 3. A round-up of polls, stories, podcasts, and resources for voters. Sign up here.

What’s more, Postindustrial is part of ProPublica’s Electionland project, which covers problems that could prevent eligible voters from casting their ballots during the election. 

We break down the news from Swing States in the Postindustrial region so you don’t have to. It’s free. 

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